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来源:健身瑜伽 时间:2018-08-17 点击: 推荐访问:悠季瑜伽官网




人民画报: 如果用一句话来总结这七年的感受,您最想说的一句话是什么?













Pure Yoga

-- An Interview with Yin Yan, Founder of YogiYoga (China)

Text by Liu Xiulan  Photographs by Dong Fang


The pleasant autumn breeze blowing away the heat of another sweltering Beijing summer marks the seventh anniversary of the founding of YogiYoga (China). Over the years since its inception, Yin Yan, founder of the studio and a leader of the yoga business in China, has endured many ups and downs. Not long ago, China Pictorial interviewed Ms. Yin at her studio.


CP: First of all, congratulations on the seventh anniversary of the founding of your studio! What goes through your head when tracing your footsteps since YogiYoga was established in August 2003?

Yin: Thank you. What’s on my mind is that every step I took was linked to core ideals. When I quit my job as editor-in-chief of Elle China, I became busier than ever with YogiYoga, which has given me a better sense of achievement – far beyond measurable financial gains and bubble reputation. There is no greater calamity than being consumed by greed. These seven years have taught me that my career should serve my personal growth instead of devoting all of myself to my career.

CP: How would you summarize the past seven years in one sentence?

Yin: I appreciate all the setbacks.

CP: What’s your plan to celebrate your seventh anniversary?

Yin: My team is working on it. I’ve been pondering our primary direction, which changes every year as our business moves on.

The aim for this celebration is to entertain my team and all YogiYoga members with things such as an awards ceremony. I can hardly imagine where I would be today without them. We are lucky to have more sponsors today than before for the celebration, which is more professional and market-oriented. I’d like to use the celebration to showcase and foster interaction with a brand-new lifestyle.

CP: There are many Yoga studios in Beijing. What’s your brand’s advantage?

Yin: First, YogiYoga is an enterprise that provides professional services.

Second, it is not simply a yoga studio. My hope was to share the most authentic yoga from India and to make yoga in China more professional. Over the last few years, I’ve immersed myself in many campaigns, such as publishing books on YogiYoga, providing professional training, and organizing regular lectures by top yoga masters. It’s all for the good of the industry rather than for our company’s financial statements. Money is not everything. What matters more is to use the limited funds on the most meaningful endeavors.

Third, I take pride in my team, which is composed of highly-experienced professionals and teachers, like Yogi Mohan. It’s a dedicated and sincere team of pure yoga. My team and I feel blessed.

Finally, we have built a chain consisting of studios, franchises, publication, and training.

It’s just the beginning of YogiYoga.



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